How Do I Ensure an Office Is Cleaned Properly?
No Term Contracts or Cancellation Fees
Our goal is to serve you at a level that you actually want to keep, not one you're forced to keep. We don't believe in penalizing you through cancellation fees either.
Ensuring a properly cleaned office starts with the right policies and procedures. Identifying business requirements is the first step. We work closely with customers to understand their needs and set appropriate service standards. Adjusting cleaning schedules as required at no extra charge is a large part of the service.
A cleaning schedule tailored to customers' expectations is crucial for sustained satisfaction. The choice of cleaning crews is also vital; different tasks require different skill sets. For example, the needs of a 3,500-square-foot dental office differ from those of a 10,000-square-foot retail store. Following industry standards in professional office cleaning processes is another key factor. Using the right tools, appropriate chemicals, and proper usage policies is essential. We ensure experienced industry professionals are available for coaching and backup at all our facilities.
Once the cleaning process begins, maintaining quality involves implementing checks and balances. For the five best practices recommended by professionals, visit our blog here.